Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rob - Day 3: Mysore(? Heck yes I am!)

This morning was rough!

This blog is definitely the only reason that I actually made it this morning. Under regular circumstances I would have turned off my alarm and gone RIGHT back to sleep. I guess that means that the commitment is doing it's job though.

I really can't express how groggy I was this morning. I felt kinda like a zombie wandering around in search of brains. I hit the cushion for ten mins of "metta" practice. I think describing it as such is a bit of a misnomer though. It was more like:

"may I be safe. May I be happy. May I...ooooh I have to do blah blah later...oh yeah...metta...why am I doing metta? Why am I up? This is lame...FOCUS ROB...okaaaaaaay...May I be healthy..."

So by the end of the 10 mins I decided that attempting to do some vipassana would result in me sleeping sitting up and that would not be advisable. Instead I opted to try some walking in my living/dining room. I'd actually never done that at home, only on retreat. If you can imagine this only extended the Zombie like feelings as I crept slowly back and forth.

But yes, I wasn't going to stop there. I made it all the way to the studio for my morning Mysore practice. This is really the sorest and most tired I've felt on the mat in a LONG time. I guess it's just the karma for my shoddy few weeks catching up with me. My hamstrings were super sore and definitely tighter than yesterday. This is odd cause normally they progressively open more with each successive practice. I felt like I weighed a million pounds and each jumpback was quite an undertaking. By the end I copped out and stopped at Navasana. (My current practice stops at Supta Kurmasana)

I definitely fell asleep in Savasana. That's okay though. I think it gave all the PranaQi a chance to properly circulate cause as I'm writing this I feel like I've got my mojo back.

I'm pretty darn glad that tomorrow is a New Moon. As per the commitment I'll still practice, but as per Ashtanga tradition I'll hold of on vinyasa. I'm think maybe some lazy Yin/Restorative will suit me just right.

Check in tomorrow to find out exactly what happens!


  1. Dear Rob and Heather,
    Hi =) So Mr. Rob, I've been noticing more and more that your facebook posts have been about yoga. I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but I spent last year in Portland becoming certified to teach. I'm obsessed and in love =)
    Anyways, I stumbled onto your joint blog... and was totally inspired. See, right before I left Portland, I bought Meditations from the Mat... and it's been sitting by my bed, collecting dust, and making me feel totally guilty. And I look at it with a bit of dismay on a daily basis, and then go back to whatever else I'm reading, still feeling like I'm eating my cookies instead of my spinach.
    So I was reading your blog, and I saw that you two have beeb reading Meditations From the Mat (quite a coincidence, right?), and I realized that perhaps I should be picking up mine as well, and starting the challenge that you two have.
    So here I go =)
    Thanks for giving me a gentle push.

  2. That is AWESOME!!! Welcome to the next exciting, challenging, and redefining year of your life! Feel free to comment on this blog on a daily basis so others can see your journey as well as ours. I am so proud of you for taking this on!
