Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rob - Day 2: Mysore

I'm much better prepared for today's post so I should have more details/relevant information.

As I mentioned before, my practice has been a bit off. Needless to say waking up at 5 was a bit of a challenge, but somehow I managed to do it. In a groggy state I made it to my cushion for 10 mins of Metta and 20 mins of vipassana.

By the time I was ready to head out to the Shala I give in to my nagging hunger and eat a banana. Yes, technically against the rules but I could tell that my blood sugar would prefer it that way.

And yes, Ashtanga is not an easy practice to dive back into. It's not like it had been an exorbitantly long time. I think I had practiced something like 2-3 times in the past 3 weeks. But somehow that first day back felt like it had been much longer. My breath was really rough and uneven and my hamstrings were really tight. I suspect the food in my stomach was at least partly to blame for the rough breathing. But with a little perseverance I made it through and as is always the case I was glad I did. I even got some strong adjustments in Prasarita Padottanasana C and Urdhva Dhanurasana.

And so wraps up day two. I'm sure as I warm into this the posts will become more interesting. But for now I'll keep it simple.

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