Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rob - Day 1: Yin

Truth be told my practice has been rather spotty for the past few weeks and I was looking forward to getting myself back on track as it were. I spent early Monday evening wandering the Boston garden in a quasi-meditative state, soaking up the late summer humid heat. It was great. By the time I got to class I was super mellow and ready for some juicy Yin-ness.

So I roll into the shala on this balmy Monday night for my typical Yin class thinking it would be just a regular night. Then while talking to the teacher - Ms. Heather Ash - she tells me that she is going to embark on 365 days of Yoga. Strangely, I had been contemplating just the same thing for some time but I had just needed the push to actually do it. And so, rather unassumingly, I begin my quest...

Class was good, nothing super miraculous to report. It always feels great to get back to the mat and yin is my favorite way to recalibrate. The long holds are just a great way to re-limber the body I guess. I'm especially keen on sphinx/seal. The deep backbends charge my batteries (kidney Qi anyone?).

So I'm really looking forward to this new journey. I can only imagine how far I will come. See you in a year!

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