Monday, September 21, 2009

Heather - Day Thirty-Six

Today was a rough day...sigh...I have a boyfriend of six months who I love very much and we just had our first little - not fight - ugly spot. Without going into detail, things were said, stories got spinning in my head and I had a crappy day - as well as he. But I can tell you, I did NOT feel like practicing yoga. I went to two meditation classes where I did little but think about the situation and still I NEEDED to practice so after the second meditation class, taught admirably by our dear Rob, I bit the bullet and took Ashtanga. I was doing....OK....while my own practice is usually an almost complete primary, I made it to Janu sirsasana B before I needed to come to child's pose and just breathe. I stayed there through all the marichiasanas and came to some milder backbends and the closing poses. Because Ashtanga's focus is meant to be the breath, I chose to come to child's pose when my breath was becoming unmanageable due to emotion. I have had emotional practices before and usually I feel better at the end. But I knew that I wouldn't feel better until I talked to the boyfriend face to face. So, after practicing and teaching, I did so.

I think having to move on with my life when all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole, or the arms of my boyfriend, was useful. It was never easy, but I am glad I had the yoga to disperse some of the tension and to find some level of acceptance with how I was feeling, rather than continuing to wish for it to change.

Of course, everything between the two of us is fine. We are great communicators with one another and we resolved the little problem before it could become an issue.

Thank-you yoga!

WishinG you happiness and metta from a little dot in the universe called Boston,

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