Friday, August 21, 2009

Rob - Day 5: So THAT'S why I'm doing this!

Somehow, without my even realizing it, I stayed up for 23 hours yesterday. I woke up at 4 for my job at the Yoga Studio and didn't get to bed until about 3. The reason I was up so late was because My Band had a show and I was out until the bar closed. By the time I got home I was still so wound up that I needed to stay up a little longer to cool down. Somehow this didn't seem to phase me too bad at the time, but today I am TIRED. I'm not even sure how I'm writing this right now. I anticipate a very early bedtime today to recalibrate the batteries a bit. How is it that my two loves in life have completely different schedules and largely different values!? I think I'll save deeper analysis of this for some later posts.

So despite my tired state I managed to make it to an awesome workshop at my studio on the Koshas, Sublte Body and Chakras with Barbara Benagh. She's one of the most experienced teachers in Boston (over 30 years!) and if I'm not mistaken her studio was one of the first in the city. Needless to say she knows her stuff. I went to her workshop last month which was Part 1 on the Subtle Body. It dealt mainly with prana and the vayus which admittedly I still have a lot to learn about.

The one today dove head first into the chakras. Without recounting the exact details of what was discussed I think I'll focus more on their implications for me. With this whole commitment thing going on and with the way our lives are in modern society it's way too easy to get wrapped up in the physical practice. Don't get me wrong, their are amazing physical benefits to yoga and meditation. But when it comes down to it Yoga as it's practiced today a modern invention and has little to do with the classical texts. I'm super glad I went to this workshop so early in my quest because I think it put me back on target. No matter what amazing physical changes happen to me over the next 360 days I need to remind myself that this is a journey of self discovery with powerful spiritual implications. Awesome.

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